A Message from SF Elite Chief Diversity Officer, Chancelor Pele Daniel:

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. it is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers.” – Nelson Mandela
Diversity at SF Elite
Do we have a diverse coaching staff equipped to support all types of players?
Yes. In fact our staff is “majority minority,” we openly talk about issues of race, support for undocumented students, how we can hire more women, etc.
Are we constantly taking steps to make our programs​more accessible to a diverse group of players?
Yes. We do outreach projects, work/partner with groups across the city, and offer financial support with a stated goal of never having to turn players away.
Do we have a diverse leadership group where non-White people have a voice in important decisions?
Yes. Although three of our four board members are White men, one of them, Po Bronson, has written a book with a chapter about “Why White Parents Don’t Talk About Race.” Our Technical Advisory Committee includes Chief Diversity Officer, Chance Daniel, and Director with an Ethnic Studies degree, Jeff Wilson.
What we are implementing:
A reporting system for instances of racism, observed or experienced that will be carefully considered for continued education, reform, and policy changes as needed
​Emails can be sent directly to Chance Daniel, Chief Diversity Officer at cdaniel@sfea.org or anonymously using. www.GuerillaMail.com
Anonymous letters can be written to BOD at SF Elite Academy at 4308 Geary Blvd. #302, San Francisco, CA 94118
Mandatory staff education on anti-racism awareness
​All coaches will be required to complete training courses on anti-racism starting with courses on Workplace Diversity, Inclusion and Sensitivity, Microagressions, and Unconscious Bias

Time stamps:
01:19 – Chance talks about growing up in a racist community
24:13 – What’s your opinion on the riots in response to the death of George Floyd?
28:57 – Have any of your family or relatives been forcefully handled by police officers?
29:16 – What can we do as a group in support of the protests?
32:59 – Can you touch on people who have been educated and grown from using microagressions etc.?
Chance and our 2007B had the opportunity to discuss their feelings and thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement. In the video Coach Chance talks about his experience growing up in a majority white community as a person of color and his experience with racism and even a confrontation with cops. Then, the players had the opportunity to ask Chance questions. Questions included his thoughts on the protests, close experiences regarding white privilege and whether young people should go out and protest or not.
Chance Daniel and Ricky Gutiérrez on Telemundo
Chancelor Pele Daniel
Chief Diversity Officer, SFEA

Chance Daniel joined the Academy in the spring of 2017 where he has worked as a staff coach and technical director. Chance is also the Girls Varsity Head Coach at San Francisco University High School, and an Asst Coach for the City College of San Francisco Women’s program. Overall he has over 20 years of coaching experience and a coaching philosophy centered around guided discovery, effort, and positive reinforcement. Coach Chance grew up in Southern California, playing for Wolfpack SC, Huntington Beach High School, and Orange Coast College. He has worked as a manager of youth coach development, coached for Wolfpack SC, Corona Del Mar High School, Fountain Valley High School, Urban, Sacred Heart Cathedral, City College of San Francisco women’s team and both the mens and womens teams at Orange Coast College. After graduating from CSU Long Beach with a degree in Black Studies and Political Science, Chance briefly studied law before earning a masters degree in Organization and Leadership from USF.